I liked the post about our History/Geography 1st Term accomplishments so much for record-keeping purposes and motivational purposes to keep on keeping on that I decided to do something similar for math concepts I have taught the children in Term 1 (first 12 weeks of school).
The graphic above is one page of my 5-A-Day map as I call it. This is where I list the concepts from Math on the Level that I will use on each student’s 5-A-Day pages each day. The concepts in bold have already been taught, but either are not mastered or are ones I feel they need to continue practicing on a regular basis (could be daily, weekly or even bi-weekly).
I hope to do more of these posts for other subjects. I know I’m probably the only one reading them, but part of the reason I blog is to document what we do for our family journal.
I will admit math is not my favorite subject. I could read all day long. Math to me is something you do when it is necessary (as opposed to reading for pleasure and enlightenment and brain exercise). 🙂
Below I’ll list each child’s individual progress for this first term of our 2012/2013 school year.
- WEEK 1: Converting Between Customary Units {MOTL Gm 76}
- WEEK 2: Learning Metric Units {MOTL Gm 77}
- WEEK 3: Metric/Customary Conversion {MOTL Gm 78}
- WEEK 4: Metric and Customary Unit Conversions {MOTL Gm 79}
- WEEK 5: Area of a Parallelogram {MOTL Gm 84}
- WEEK 6: Congruent Angles and Proportion {MOTL Gm 85}
- WEEK 7: Arcs and Sectors {MOTL Gm 88}
- WEEK 8: Area of a Complex Figure {MOTL Gm 89}
- WEEK 9: Surface Area of a 3D Figure {MOTL Gm 90}
- WEEK 10: Solving for the Variable Part 1 {MOTL Op 55}
- WEEK 11: Solving for the Variable Part 2 {MOTL Op 55}
- WEEK 12: Solving for the Variable Part 3 (I think he’s finally got it! :)) {MOTL Op 55}
*Noting those concepts I had planned to teach him but quickly realized he already has mastered:
- Manipulating Equations {MOTL Op 44}
- Square Root {MOTL Op 50}
- The Distributive Property {MOTL Op 52}
- WEEK 1: Intro to Metric Units {MOTL Gm 61}
- WEEK 2: Customary Equivalent Chart {MOTL Gm 62}
- WEEK 3: Volume of a Cube or Rectangular Prism {MOTL Gm 73}
- WEEK 4: Converting Between Customary Units {MOTL Gm 76}
- WEEK 5: Order of Operations {MOTL Op 24}
- WEEK 6: Squares and Exponents / Square Roots {MOTL Op 28 / 50}
- WEEK 7: Commutative Property {MOTL Op 25}
- WEEK 8: Dividing with Two-Digit Divisor {MOTL Op 47}
- WEEK 9: Dividing with Decimals and Dollar Signs {MOTL Md 104}
- WEEK 10: Dividing with Decimals {MOTL Md 105}
- WEEK 11: Adding Positive and Negative Numbers {MOTL Op 34}
- WEEK 12: Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers {MOTL Op 35}
- WEEK 1: Intro to Metric Units {MOTL Gm 61}
- WEEK 2: Customary Equivalent Chart {MOTL Gm 62}
- WEEK 3: Volume of a Cube or Rectangular Prism {MOTL Gm 73}
- WEEK 4: Converting Between Customary Units {MOTL Gm 76}
- WEEK 5: Order of Operations {MOTL Op 24}
- WEEK 6: Squares and Exponents / Square Roots {MOTL Op 28 / 50}
- WEEK 7: Commutative Property {MOTL Op 25}
- WEEK 8: Dividing with Two-Digit Divisor {MOTL Op 47}
- WEEK 9: Dividing with Decimals and Dollar Signs {MOTL Md 104}
- WEEK 10: Dividing with Decimals {MOTL Md 105}
- WEEK 11: Adding Positive and Negative Numbers {MOTL Op 34}
- WEEK 12: Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers {MOTL Op 35}
For our two first graders, I keep a less formal plan. I am going to just note the concepts we’ve covered and note the ones they have mastered.
- Counting to 100 {MASTERED}
- 1 to 1 Correspondence {MASTERED}
- Recognizing Numbers 0 to 20 {MASTERED}
- Recognizing Numbers 21 to 100
- Writing Numbers
- Sequencing Numbers
- < (less than); > (greater than); and = (equal)
- 1-Digit Addition using Numbers to 20 {MASTERED}
- 1-Digit Subtraction using Numbers to 20
- Identifying Coins
- Patterns {MASTERED}
- Basic Shapes {MASTERED}
- Matching {MASTERED}
- Half, Whole, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 (and some other fractions if pictures are shown) {MASTERED}
- Reading Charts and Graphs
- Reading the Calendar {MASTERED}
- Counting to 100 {MASTERED}
- 1 to 1 Correspondence {MASTERED}
- Recognizing Numbers 0 to 20 {MASTERED}
- Recognizing Numbers 21 to 100 {MASTERED}
- Writing Numbers
- Sequencing Numbers {MASTERED}
- < (less than); > (greater than); and = (equal)
- 1-Digit Addition using Numbers to 20 {MASTERED}
- 1-Digit Subtraction using Numbers to 20
- Identifying Coins
- Patterns {MASTERED}
- Basic Shapes {MASTERED}
- Matching {MASTERED}
- Half, Whole, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 (and some other fractions if pictures are shown) {MASTERED}
- Reading Charts and Graphs
- Reading the Calendar {MASTERED}
I wanted to finally note that we use Math on the Level for our main math curriculum, but it is more a way of living math. I continue to use their 5-A-Day notebooks for assigning 5 problems a day in concepts they have learned but have not mastered. I am so glad I made these this summer, because it helps to have the notebook to keep it all in one place.
Recently Li’l Bro and Li’l Miss have wanted their own 5-A-Day pages. Though MOTL encourages a gentle approach and waiting until at least 2nd grade for 5-A-Days, I have made them a couple a week as they are interested. I saved their first ones and will try to scan those in and put here later for keepsake purposes! I am planning to make them their own 5-A-Day notebooks to use after the first of the year.
In addition to MOTL, we use IXL.com for extra math practice problems. We purchase a multiple-student license through Homeschool Buyer’s Co-op at a deep discount. We use Khan Academy videos as well.
I assign each of the three older boys a set amount of time on IXL each day, and for the most part they choose what to practice. I give them this freedom as long as they continue to practice a varying array of problems. It is broken down by grade, but a huge benefit of IXL is that a student can do problems from any grade or level on the site. Thus they can work at their level and ability whether that is ahead* of grade level or below*. {*I don’t really think of it as ahead or below, but IXL is set up by grades and state standards, so your homeschool student may be “ahead” or “below” accordingly and IXL allows them to work where practice is needed.}
With Khan Academy, I assign each of the older three boys to watch a video on there once a week about the topic which I will teach them that same day. I teach Curly a new concept on Mondays, Larry on Tuesdays and Mo on Wednesdays. I then work with Li’l Bro and Li’l Miss throughout the week with the goal of making sure we cover a topic or review a previously taught topic on Thursday mornings.
It does encourage me to see it all here together. Happy MATH to all! 🙂