Category Archives: On Our Ipods

LEGO Movie “Failed Movie”

I don’t really understand how he has the patience for this, but he creates each scene and films it on the app on his little brother’s iPod. Then puts it all together and adds the voice-over. You just have to watch this 30-second spot to understand why I’m kind of proud of this.


We Are Done with the iPod

It is finished.

Case closed.

The Prez never wanted them. But he agreed finally.

15 months was enough.

One is broken. Two are strangely missing (actually this happens a lot). One is tucked away at the moment.

I’m certain and the Prez will be thrilled with my certainty.

They aren’t coming back.


If you have a child or have had a child who has basically disengaged with everyone and everything and is desperate for his iPod at all costs, then you understand.

If you don’t understand, be very grateful.

We have three children who are not addicted to games like mine craft and roblox and clash of clans.

Then we have another who is addicted. It has changed him. In a bad way.

The Lord has repeatedly brought a particular Scripture to my mind in recent days. It wasn’t just for me, though I desperately needed the Word too.

But I am certain it was the voice of The Lord for our son too, one of the ones whose actions and attitudes have brought the Prez and I to a place of desperate, face-to-the-floor prayers.

“LORD, bring them back to You. You say You never let go. Why does it seem like You have?”

And then this over and over again:

“Finally,brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Philippians 4:8

The iPod as it was here just doesn’t line up with this Word. It is the opposite.

I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know the iPod isn’t going to a part of our home anymore.

They aren’t welcome in our home anymore.


Policing the Plugged In

Sigh. I pushed for the pods. I just knew they wouldn’t be used for only gaming. Sigh.


I really need some advice. If you have any suggestions, I’m all ears! I am going to try an on-line monitoring site suggested by a friend. And I’m going to keep looking for a way to LIMIT their time on certain apps. If anyone knows how to do that, I’d love to hear it! It must be simple, but I haven’t figured it out yet.


So, please do share!

What are your favorite educational apps? For math, reading, thinking, anything else that exercises the brain?

How do you tame the time on the mind-numbing apps?

Do you struggle with children (or students) who argue that the educational apps are “boring”?

What else can you share to help me find a happy medium here? Like I said, I’m all ears!



Using Ipods for Learning

The Prez was not at all hip on four of our children receiving Ipods for Christmas gifts. The grandparents were ready and willing to go in together and purchase these gifts for four of our children, who had put them on their wish lists. I was ready to make the leap, because I knew unlike so many hand-held electronic devices we could put the Ipod to work for many learning opportunities. Continue reading
