Category Archives: Teachers Pay Teachers

What Day Is It, Mom?

After being asked this exactly 329 times, I decided our first graders really needed to have a solid understanding of the Calendar and all its components. It is not that I hadn’t tried. I had tried teaching them with many variations, including a standard calendar. I never realized how foreign that can seem until I thought about how strange it might look to little ones.


I decided to check out the plethora of free resources and ideas in the cyber world, and there was no lack of links there. After carefully considering this very popular post, I decided a hands-on approach is exactly what my students needed as well. Continue reading


A Peek Into Our Morning {Work}

I am so excited to say that the newly-revamped Page Protector Printables Bundle 1 is NOW the Bright Beginning Binder!

I will share about how we’re using this resource below, and I hope you might see some ideas you could use in your own homeschool or classroom!

Here’s a peek of my students hard at work in their Bright Beginning Binders with our beautiful bulletin board in the background and our Word Work board to their right!


I am so excited about our new Bulletin Board. It includes our Calendar Time area, a Where Am I? area where I’ll do some gentle instruction in geography, and finally the Math Minute where for now I have some coin posters that I printed 4 to a page for use of a compact space. You can find this awesome resource for FREE at Leanne Price’s TpT store.


IMG_6546 Continue reading


Date Night


How is your Saturday night shaping up? 😀 Mine has included spa night with my two favorite girls and now a date with this lovely dude above.

I will readily admit I love spa night with my two girls AND I love my laminator. Back to cutting out my completely revamped Page Protector Bundle 1. Here’s a sneak peek …


For the first 48 hours after this post has gone live (9 p.m. CST), this product will be half-price. Click HERE!


Inspired by Summer: I Spy Linking Verbs IS, AM, ARE

This summer, we’ve been busy with unpacking, creek stomping, unpacking, and taking a break from school … for the most part. But I’ve been busy the last few days with an idea that led to this fun resource below. My 8YO son and 7YO daughter, both entering 2nd grade this year, didn’t want to quit using it today when I asked them to try it out! In fact, they did so well with this learning tool that I have several ideas for more I SPY learning games.


Continue reading


Let’s Help Moore, OK!

***WOW!!! When it was all over, these four bundles raised $35,575!!!A huge thanks to all who organized, all who promoted, all who donated and purchased as well as TpT for donating their 15% to this effort as well. This money will be sent directly to Moore, OK teachers at Plaza Towers and Briarwood schools for using to rebuild their classrooms. I am so proud to be a part of Teachers Pay Teachers where teachers HELP teachers too!

The WONDERFUL teacher authors of TpT have put together an AMAZING bundle of resources all donated to raise funds for the people of Moore, OK.


100% of profits from the sale of these bundles will go directly toward disaster relief in Moore through a special fund set up by the schools.

PLEASE consider purchasing one of these amazing bundles and helping the people of Moore, OK, at the same time. The bundles are divided by grades, and are available HERE at Teachers Pay Teachers.

Once the sales are over, I will promise to come back and let you know the grand totals!


AND THIS MONDAY, May 27, I will be donating 100% of the profits from my TpT store to disaster relief in Moore, OK by donating to the Southern Baptist’s Disaster Relief.

In addition, I have a promotion going on where if you purchase ANY 3 items from my store at one time, you may request a FREE $3 or less item from my store. Please email to request your free item and provide your TpT username in the email! I will then email you your free product! In addition, I will be donating 100% of my profits from my TpT store on Monday to SBC Disaster Relief. Together we can make a BIG difference!


Egg Carton Math

This post shares about a recent activity I did with the three little ones. I never got it out of my drafts folder. I wanted to talk about something on my blog besides heart surgery today, so I hope you enjoy (and can maybe use) this neat idea for repurposing an egg carton while practicing math skills!

I am adding a couple of notes:

• I just used a sharpie to write random numbers 0-9 in each slot of the egg carton.

• I found that egg cartons are not all created equal. If you can find one where the egg holders go all the way up on the ends, it will work better. Hope this makes sense!

• I used pom poms because they are QUIET, which may be helpful in classrooms as well. You can certainly use other manipulatives as well!


My kids LOVED this lesson. I was so impressed with their sequencing skills, and truly there is no substitute for ENGAGING and ACTIVE learning. I can only imagine how this would have gone if I had given them a list of random numbers between 0 and 100 and asked them to sequence those numbers. Continue reading


Math Monday: {Fractions in First}

Fractions. Ahhhh. You either love them … or you don’t. Half of us do and half of us don’t love them. I’m too funny. Ahem.


After seeing what happens when a student is NOT taught fractions in a living math sort of way at a young age and how this has greatly affected his ability to SEE them—”This pizza has 8 pieces. If I eat half of it, how many pieces did I eat?”—I decided to make sure fractions are a part of our everyday language for our two firsties. They are picking it up so effortlessly.

I have been working on my fraction page protector-sized printables a LONG time. A labor of love you might call them!


I am happy to say our first graders have enjoyed them thus far. I plan to create some add-on sets that will be more useful in an upper elementary classroom, but these would work well for students who are working on whole, half, fourths, and thirds.


I use these in many ways. I play Candy*land a lot around here with a certain little someone, and her big brother and big sister often like to join in the fun. I can slip in some extra learning for them by having them draw a fraction card when they draw a candy*land card. It just makes learning fun!


In the photo above, S is working on matching cards with word problems to the correct answer. She used both the fraction picture cards and number cards for this. I let her choose. It is more fun that way! She LOVES these cards.


The word problem cards assume a certain level of reading, and you’ll notice a little number in the bottom right corner. This set also includes a recording sheet for students to write the answer to the task cards, which can be used separately as well.

She was very proud of herself! I really just let her go with this, and she soared! I need to get these back out again … maybe tomorrow would be a good day for that. If you have fraction manipulatives, they would be great to use alongside these or you could bake cookies or pizzas or whatever else sounds yummy at the moment!


This is quite the collection of interactive, learning fun with 60 task cards (with word problems), 120 flashcards including number fractions, fraction words in black and outline fonts, and fraction pictures, as well as 6 mini posters of 6 different fractions: 1 whole, 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 2/3 and 3/4. If you’re interested in checking it out more, I have them for sale in my TpT store.

I’m sharing this on love2learn2day’s math Monday blog hop. Check it out for more great math learning fun!


Max Is on the Move and Needs Help!

Mo and I have been hard at work on an exciting project: a Creative Writing unit that is now available in my TpT store. This has been so much fun for both of us, and I am really hopeful others will appreciate this character he has created as much as he does!


If your students like mine struggle to “think of something to write about”, this resource might be a fun addition to your writing center or bag of tricks, whichever the case may be!

Two of my students went to work taking Max on an adventure, and I was certainly pleased to see their imaginations take over!



It includes 25 Writing Prompts on lined paper as well as 2 blank pages with just lines and no prompts. These can be used for page 2 or for students who have their own idea of where to take Max next!

My favorite part about this unit is the hand-drawn illustration and character sketch of Max, which Mo created himself!

I tried a different giveaway with another resource and that didn’t work as well, so this time I’m going to say I will give away 3 of these resources to the first three people to share about it on either their blog, FB or pinterest page. If you share, just leave a link in my comments and let me know how you shared!

I think your students will like Max, and he needs help to get moving on new adventures!


Brick Builders and a Giveaway!

A mega bundle of LEGO® goodness has been in the works for weeks. I had shelved it due to my clip art that I purchased just not being high-quality enough, but then I found some new BRICK clip art and I knew it was going to be good! And it is!



Li’l Bro, Li’l Miss and Li’l Bit are begging for more BRICK BUILDERS math fun after testing a few of the activities in my latest offering at TpT: Brick Builders MEGA Math Unit. It is 125 pages HUGE with 105 pages of printables!!! The other 10 pages are instructions and descriptions.


I thought it would be fun to keep the giving goodness going but today I’m going to add a twist! Continue reading


More Penguin Fun!

When I mentioned in a post last Monday that our three older brothers were in “special” classes, I kept some information to myself. 🙂 They were actually on a field trip with the Prez in San Antonio. They saw the Alamo, went to a snake park, ate lunch with a large company’s VP and other high-ups (so proud of the report I received on that!), stopped by the Duck Dynasty, and a Civil War battlefield that happens to be in Vicksburg, Mississippi. In addition to all of this, I sent them with assignment sheets, and the reports are that they were actually able to get a lot done in a hotel room. I even heard something like “I was bored so I read a lot of my science book.”

Meanwhile, the three littles and I took advantage of Momma not having as many students this week, and we really had a great time of learning through focusing on penguins. I really need to do more of this themed learning. They really took to it. Ask them about the equator and why it is warm there and not at the poles. Or what type of animal a penguin is, and can they fly? Well, anyway, we learned a lot together. I took a few more pictures and I just had to share. (By the way, I hope to share some pics from the older boys’ adventures with the Prez once I get their photos downloaded from their cameras. Actually, I will be sharing some of their own words hopefully!).

First I have to share this iPhone photo. In another post I shared some ways we are using their new iPods for learning. How about for Bible study? Seriously, they are loving having a copy of God’s Word on their devices.


As for those penguins, we have been getting books from the library slowly. Apparently, others had the same idea! We continued reading today and learned that some penguins live in more temperate climates. I didn’t know that either!

Here they are with another Pint*erest find: Melting Ice Experiment. Which one will melt fastest? 1) Ice in tap water 2) Ice by itself 3) Ice in salt or 4) Ice in sugar.

They LOVED this. I really need to do more experiments.


This was so easy really.


They eagerly guessed and did they observe as well!





You are thinking the ice cube in salt right? Everyone they ask says this too, but it wasn’t that cube. And yes, the cubes were all the same size to start.


Li’l Bit was particularly curious about the salt and the sugar. 🙂

We noticed very quickly that one ice cube was melting much faster than the other three.


And that another one was going to most likely melt next.


And we observed some more.


It was so much fun! Like I said, note to self. Do more of this stuff! No mess even on this one and the payoff was immeasurable in terms of learning and growing.

As we observed, we were hard at work on some other learning activities. We continued using resources from my Penguin Fun Math Unit such as the “Count with the Penguins” interactive math storybook. They loved this too!


After we read about the lonely penguin who ended up with 19 other penguin friends, I gave them the blank lined paper and instructed them to draw a picture. I told them they could then tell me a story about it.




With the Charlotte Mason method, copywork is a huge component. Rather than allowing spelling errors naturally, we much prefer to encourage them to tell their story orally.


I write it out for them as they tell it, and then they copy it in their best handwriting. This way spelling errors are not reinforced, and they are able to focus on the TELLING of the story rather than the mechanics of it.


We are still working on our stories. I encouraged them to use numbers in their stories, and so far I am very impressed!

They begged me to use the number flashcards and matching ten frames again. So I obliged. They did GREAT with this. I sort of wish I would have started using these earlier (the ten frames), but at least I know they are more than ready for them.


I put the number flashcards in as before, but out of order and instructed them to put them in order from least to greatest. They say, “Mom, can we do greatest to least instead?” Um, sure! Seriously. Geniuses I tell ya!





One last activity we completed from the Penguin Unit is the “What’s That Number” half-page sheets. At first, they were not really sure about this. Admittedly, we don’t do a lot of worksheets around here, but I did feel like some remediation and evaluation was in order. When I created this resource, I had assessment in mind with this, and it worked out well.


I was so glad to see them write the addition sentence with ease. 🙂



We have a few more Penguin activities left to do and I *hope* to have an abbreviated literacy pack ready for next week. Hope you are having a great week of fun learning as well!

Click on the picture to check out my Penguin Fun Kindergarten Math resource in my TpT store.

