Category Archives: History/Geography

Homeschooling High School {10th Grade 2014-2015}


Our oldest, AKA Curly on the blog, will be in 10th grade this year. Where has the time gone?

Time marches on as they say, and he will be in his second year of high school this year. He will continue his education at home. This post is not about why, but he manages his time wisely, studies hard, is respectful of me as his teacher, and puts forth 100% effort in his school work 95% of the time.


This next year is going to be very challenging without a doubt as far as pure academics. He is going to have a heavier load than last year, and he will be working on his Eagle Project before the school year is over.

Below is a list of his classes:

  • Advanced Chemistry in Creation* (aka Chemistry 2)
  • Prentice Hall Algebra  **Per Jonah’s request, we switched to Geometry instead. More about that below.
  • Logic and Debate: Art of the Argument (1 semester)*
  • Music, Movies and Mozart (1 semester)*
  • American Lit and Advanced Communications*
  • Mandarin Chinese ***I loathe Rosetta Stone now, but I’ve invested so much. Trying again this year as Jonah will have a lighter load and we will try it with a newer computer.
  • AP US History
  • Physical Fitness: Flyfishing, Pursuing Eagle Scout*Taken at our local Tutorial with a teacher and other students

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Homeschool Happenings: {History/Geography Term 1}

I am really hoping to print our blog soon into a book. I would like to continue blogging about some of our homeschool happenings.

I really love our history curriculum we are using this year. We are in Module 5 this year. We used Module 4 last year.


I can’t imagine teaching history and geography any other way than family style. I am so proud of all of the reading our children have done for history already just in Term 1, so I wanted to highlight that here.

While some of them have read more books, others are reading more difficult selections. I selected based on maturity and reading level. Continue reading
